The Center is organized around four methodological cores (Computational, Cryo-EM/ET, NMR, and HIV Virology) and three scientific projects (1. Maturation; 2. Trafficking, Restriction and Nuclear Entry; and 3. Integration). The cores are complemented by the expertise of our collaborators in several important areas. Close collaboration among the research groups and cores allows the PCHPI to take a “hybrid” approach to answer important structural, biochemical, and biophysical questions about HIV-1.

Computational Core

  • Derivation of full-scale models that integrate experimental structural data
  • Execution of large-scale and long-timescale simulations
  • Execution of mechanistic studies based on free energy calculations and steered molecular dynamics


Cryo-EM & Cryo-ET Core

  • Cryo-Electron Single Particle Analysis
  • Cryo-Electron Sub-Tomogram Averaging
  • Micro-Electron Diffraction (micro-ED) of nanocrystals and crystal lamellae
  • Cryo-Focused Ion Beam/Scanning EM for cryo-ET and micro-ED of lamellae
  • Cryo-FIB/SEM 3D volume imaging of whole frozen cell/tissue
  • Correlative cryo-flourescence microscopy and cryo-ET (CLEM)


NMR Spectroscopy Core

  • Screening to evaluate the biophysical properties and structural integrity of proteins
  • Determination of structures and dynamics of protein assemblies and their complexes
  • Development of fluorine-based in-cell NMR technology and novel methods for MAS NMR


HIV Virology Core

  • HIV-1 infectivity assays
  • Purification of HIV-1 cores
  • Imaging of early events (Confocal and TIRF microscopy)
  • Immunoblot analysis of HIV-1 particles
  • TEM analysis of HIV-1 particles
  • Quantitative analysis of reverse transcription, nuclear import, and integration
  • HIV-1 integration site analysis